Theme 1 workshop: Biological particulate matter sources and dynamics

Biological particulate matter sources and dynamics across the indoor-outdoor continuum

22 February 2021, 10:00-12:00 (GMT)

BioAirNet is organising its first thematic workshop on BioPM sources and dynamics across the indoor-outdoor continuum. As the inaugural event for this Theme of BioAirNet, the workshop will introduce the proposed thematic scope and outputs and will provide participants with the opportunity to participate in shaping its direction of travel.

During the interactive online session, you will hear short presentations from the Theme leads and from an invited expert speaker.  We aspire to get a healthy balance of presentation and active discussion in our network meetings and to ensure we all benefit from hearing the views of academics, industry practitioners, regulators and from the range of stakeholders affected by poor air quality and who benefit from its improvement.

Workshop agenda (All times are GMT)

10:00Introduction to BioAirNet, Theme 1 and workshop objectivesSean Tyrrel
(Cranfield University)
10:15Thoughts on how the network could shape Theme 1Sean Tyrrel & Ian Colbeck
(Cranfield University & University of Essex)
10:30Interactive discussion on future Theme 1 activitiesAll participants (plenary session)
11.00The needs of modelling approaches to better understand the indoor/outdoor relationship and exposure to BioPMDr Simon Parker (dstl)
11:30Interactive discussion on future Theme 1 speakers, stakeholders and inviteesAll participants (plenary session)
12:00End of the workshop